Monday, May 14, 2012

Your sister and friend

I was looking at this picture in my office and wanted to write about y'all!

Last night, as we were driving home from Jim and Heather’s house, Josh and Mikayla were talking in the backseat with all kinds of excitement. They were so excited that this is the last week of school and we are going to get to go on a family vacation to the Wilderness at the Smokies Waterpark/Hotel in Gatlinburg this weekend. Joshua and Mikayla proceed to make up a rap/beat box song about the last week of school and how they were excited to get to go on a family trip. Josh provided the music with boom shh booms and acka lackas (whatever kind of words you would call beat boxing. Haha so good he was at it) Anyway, Mikayla is a great singer so she was making up words and was good. They then proceeded from there to come up with a plan of action because they realized how good they sounded together. They wanted to record a CD of their music. J I told them I would help them if they would write down their songs and we get about 10 of them or more (depending on how long they are) We will try to record them and make a CD of their own music. They were all excited and decided today is the day that they will get their club together and write their songs. I realized Joshua and Mikayla work good together when they each do what they know best. Josh LOVES to make music and Mikayla LOVES to sing. God is going to use them together when they get older and HE has put that into them. I am so thankful to get to see God shape my children. I have often times messed up in my parenting skills. I have always tried to show my babies(that’s yall) just how much they mean to me, but a lot of times, I have been angry and ANGER NEVER HELPS ANYTHING if it isn’t given to God. Anger in and of itself isn’t bad, but when we use anger to control other people, it is harmful. I hope you guys realize this Joshua and Mikayla. I don’t want you guys to grow up full of anger and NEVER give it to God. People are going to upset you and things are NOT usually going to go just the way you like them to. As we learn to lean on the Lord for our strength, it gets better. Proverbs 3:5- Trust in the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your own understanding and HE SHALL DIRECT YOUR PATHS. The more we give things we don’t understand to Him, the more He can direct our paths. This is my prayer for you guys a lot. I want the best for you. There are a lot of things we have struggled through. I want to know at the end of the day that we have learned to TRUST GOD in all things. Ok, I am tired today, but I wanted to share my heart with you as I looked up at this picture on my shelf. I was thinking about both of you today and how the Lord is knitting you two together in a deep relationship. You guys will have a bond like no one else will ever be able to have in your life. Only the Lord can be stronger. You have a bond of not only being family, but you are FRIENDS! I love you and you are so precious to me!!!

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