Thursday, July 24, 2014

Teaching on Healing (please put in your heart) - Bernadine Daniels

I wanted to share this with you both. This has helped me in my healing process so I can help minister healing and Grace to others. Life is tough and there is trauma BUT GOD..... (Please learn these lessons as you can)


ACTIVATING MIRACLES:  The Kingdom of God is at Hand!


“…Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying,

“The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand.

Repent, and believe in the gospel.”  Mark 1.14, 15


“Most assuredly I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do,  because I go to My Father.”

John 14.12 NKJV


This is a day when the Church and the saints (the people of God) are called to arise and be conformed (match, agree with, fit, be consistent with, correspond) to the image of Jesus Christas a demonstration in the earth. A part of the demonstration that the Lord is releasing in the earth today is believers manifesting miracles through the Name, power and compassion of Jesus Christ.

The Name:  Phil. 2.9-11; Jn 14.13; Acts 3.6, 16
Power:  Lk. 10.19 (Exousia) & Acts 1.8 (dunamis)
Compassion: Mt. 9.36ff; 14.14; 15.32; 20.34; Mk. 1.41


Compassion:  4697:  to have compassion on; have pity on; tenderness; inward affection; tender mercy


YOU and I -- as believers -- can activate and experience the reality of receiving and releasing miracles on a daily basis.

Jesus, being moved by compassion, caused miracles to happenwhen He walked the earth.
Therefore -- Believers, being moved with compassionwill also cause miracles to happen today.

More miracles are occurring today than ever before – than in the last 20 years of previous ministry combined.

Blind eyes seeing, deaf ears hearing, the lame walking, terminal cancer defeated, tumors disappearing, creative miracles, financial miracles -- have all been a part of these miraculous testimonies, the dead being raised to life again, demons cast out…etc!!!
This has not been because Jesus has changed, but because believers (folk like you and me) are beginning to see Jesus in a new way with a new revelation.
See Mark 1.14,14 & Luke 17.21  
The KOG is at hand!  The KOG is within you!
This revelation has caused many in the church to see that miracles are easy to receive and easy to release andJesus wants us to be miracle workers.

Many of us have made miracles a seemingly difficult thing. In actuality they are not --- because we serve a miracle-working God.

The Lord our God is the answer for every need and He has also given us COVENANT~KINGDOM power and authority to enforce His victory over the works of the evil one.
See Mark 16.17-20
Everything that He did as He walked the earth as God's only begotten Son, He now desires to demonstrate and multiply through His Church, the Body of Christ.
Jesus' promise to us today is that if we preach the gospelHe will confirm His word with signs that follow.
These SIGNS will include healings, deliverances, restoration, creative miracles, resurrections and other signs and wonders that supersede the natural laws of the universe.


Sometimes you and I try to make things difficult… but Jesus confirms with simplicity. It’s time to take the Lord at His Word because He cannot lie – it’s time to ‘simply believe it!  

Now -- You should know that Mark 16:20 does not say He confirms usbut it says that He confirms His Word. His Word is the source of miracle-working power!!


If our eyes are open to see in the dimension of the spirit, as we read, meditate and hear the Word of Christ our spirit man will be filled with tangible deposits of life and faith.
The good news is that regardless of our faith levelconcerning the miraculous, our faith can increase by hearing the Word of Christ – Rom. 10.17
So HEARING is the way that faith comes to us.
If we want more faith concerning miracles we have to take action to "hear the word of Christ."

So hearing the Word and taking action on what you’ve heard ---are essential to receiving miracles.


Let’s break it down further…

1) We must hear the Word.

The same way that the woman with the issue of blood had heard of Jesus (Mark 5:25) you and I must hear.
Remember --- The Bible says that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Rhema ~ Word of Christ (Romans 10:17).
This hearing is the foundation for our faith action.


2) We must believe in our heart.

Hearing the Word and meditating on it àwill cause faith to rise in our spirit.
As we believe the Word that we’ve hidden in our heart(Romans 10:8) à it has the ability to cause natural things to shift and be changed.
So we take the Word we’ve heard and meditate on it ---placing it in our heart --- where it produces the faith for the miracle power that we desire. The good news is thatthis is not a difficult thing. It’s easy in God because He is the one who has made us faith beings (Mark 9:23).  


3) We must confess with our mouth.

You will know when what you’ve heard has been hidden in your heart – because it will begin to spill out of your mouth into your conversation – into your actions and lifestyle!!
I believed therefore I spoke à releases the ‘spirit of faith’to manifest that which God has promised  -- 2 Cor. 4.13


4) We must take a faith action step– this is “simple obedience” to what we have heard, believe and confessed.

This is probably the greatest area where we have missed receiving in the past.
Even as the woman with the issue of blood took an action to touch Jesus' garments (Matthew 9:20-22), we must take action once we have heardbelieved in our heart and confessed with our mouth (James 2:17).
Self deception comes in when we “hear”  à producing faith --yet fail to “do ~ take action” – James 1.22  
This may mean moving what you could not move before or doing something that you could not do before. Whatever it is, take an action to match the faith in yourheart.




As a Benefit of COVENANT RELATIONSHIP with the KING!


We are able to receive AND MINISTER healing AND RELEASE MIRACLES when we understand the Hesedof God – His Covenant ~ Kingdom faithfulness and undying steadfast love & mercy!  

When I know the love of my Father, I can say with complete confidence that He hates sickness and disease
It is not His will that His Children be sick.  
He hates it when His children suffer, and He would never use such a devilish means to guide or punish His Covenant Children!!!


If I really believe that God wants me AND OTHER FOLK to be sick – why would I  OR THEY  --- go see a Doctor for healing???  Am I trying to get out of the will of God??  No!  Everything in your spirit (everything in the design of the human body and mind) tells you that God wants you well!!!

We just need to understand that everything that we receive from God must come through our Covenant ~ Kingdom Citizenship and our faith in Him as a Covenant keeping God ~ The King of kings!!!  We are healed ~ In Jesus Name!!!  WE MINISTER HEALING AND RELEASE MIRACLES ~ IN THE NAME OF JESUS!


Let’s start with the Precept:


PRECEPT (The Original Idea/Rule/Command) à
Ideas when conceived birth THOUGHTS à
Thoughts when conceived birth CONCEPTS!  
Concepts are the material of dreams, life, how we interpret life, etc.
You are/become your concepts (As a man thinks in his heart, so is he – Prov. 23.7).
If your ideas are wrong à concepts wrong àunderstanding will be inaccurate and incomplete = ERROR!  
Error is a product of MISCONCEPTION!!
Note:  the devil aims his flaming arrows at your IDEAS in order to ultimately produceMISCONCEPTION!!!


The Original Idea/Precept regarding Healing

See Gen. 1.26 (also Psalm 139.13,14)
We were intricately and wonderfully made
Thank God, that He is able to repair what He made – so that it will function as He originally intended it to function!!!
Ex.15.25, 26; 34.10  We have a Covenant with the Lord that promises a shield against sickness and disease.  The very nature of God our King is health and wholeness ~ He is Jehovah-Rophe
Sickness trespasses on the property of the Lord and must be evicted by faith – 1 Cor. 6.19-20
Ex. 30.12  As the spiritual seed of Abraham, we have been engrafted into the Vine and are numbered with the children of Israel.  Therefore, no plague should be in our midst!
Deut. 7.14,15   We are blessed (anointed/empowered to prosper) through our Covenant à barrenness in not in our house!  We live in favor and abound in prosperity
2 Kgs. 5.10-14 I am not offended by the requirements of the Lord and His Prophets.  So – whatever the Lord requires of me, I am obedient to perform à I am cleansed through obedience.  Sickness and disease will not cling to me!
2 Kgs. 20.2-5   I refuse to claim an evil report.  Any report that contradicts my Covenant I consider that report to be false and misleading.  Instead I will lay claim to my inheritance as a Covenant member of the Kingdom of God
Psalm 103.1-18  I will praise God because He is faithful and I will see the manifestation of His Covenant benefits in my life
Psalm 107.20  I will see and say the Word àactivating healing in my life!!!
Thank you Lord that you watch over Your Word – the Word in my heart and in my mouth à You will perform it!  Jer. 1.12
Prov. 4.18, 20-22  The Word is life and brings health
Prov. 12.18  As a covenant member of the Kingdom of God – I am wise in my words.  My tongue will bring healing…
Prov. 12.28  I am on the path to eternal life/health/wholeness!!!
Prov. 14.29,30  My spirit is at peace à health and vitality
Prov. 15.4  My words (His Word in the heart and mouth) à healing
Prov. 15.30  My words   à bring healing to others
Prov. 16.24  ditto!
Prov. 17.22  My merry heart sends healing to every part of my body
Prov. 18.14  In Covenant with God through Christ – I have been given His Spirit à He sustains me when sickness wages war against my body
Isa. 9.6,7   He is also the Prince of Peace à His peace lives in me and reigns over the governmental structure of my life!!!


FYI:  The Hebrew concept of “Shalom/Peace” means:

to be completed in regards to God’s purposes and plans
to be restored, meaning – to enter into the fullness of one’s calling
when we pray for “Shalom” we are actually asking the Lord to bring (the one for whom we pray) into divine destiny and restoration à into the fullness of God’s calling
healing, wholeness, peace, prosperity
nothing broken, nothing missing, nothing misaligned!


Isa. 38.16-19  The Lord restores me to perfect health and vitality – He keeps me from the pit of destruction
Isa. 53.4-6   Jesus is my Savior and Messiah.  He bore my sicknesses and carried my pains…
Isa. 57.14-19  Jer. 17.14    Malachi 4.2,3
Matt. 8.3   He is willing… BE CLEAN!!  Be made whole!
Matt. 8.13   My faith works for me according to what I have believed.  What I believe is what I will receive!!
Matt. 8.16   I use my Faith Filled Words to drive out demons and restore health to myself and those in my circle of influence!!!
Matt. 8.17   Thank You Jesus!!!
Matt. 9.2  Reveal to me how completely my sins are forgiven ‘in Christ!’  In response, I forgive ______, knowing that forgiveness facilitates (assists, makes possible) healing!!!
Matt. 9.22  I have courageous faith!
Matt. 16.19  When I stand on my Covn’t in faith àI can bind the forces of sickness and the spirit of fear that says that I will only get worse and not better!!!


Continue to read His Word, believe it by faith and make your Covenant Faith Declarations à ushering in Shalom, healing and deliverance in your life!!!


Matt. 9.35; 12.15, 22; 14.14; 21.14Mark 1.34; 1.40-42; 5.34; 6.12,13; 9.23-24;10.52
Luke 4.40; 5.12,13; 8.50; 13.11-13; 17.19  John 5.14; 9.3Acts 3.6; 3.16; 9.33,34; 14.8-10; 28.8-10  
Galatians 6.7  As I sow healing à let me reap healing
Philippians 2.9-11  His Name is above the name of every sickness and disease
1 Corinthians 11   Communion is a point of contact as I release my faith and receive my healing 
1 Timothy 4.7,8 AMP; 5.23Hebrews 12.10-13AMP
James 5.13-16a  Send wise and mature believers to anoint me with oil and pray the prayer of faith!!!
1 Peter 2.24,25 AMP3 John 2Revelations 18.4


Lord, help us to understand this --- that the answer to our prayer for healing is based on Your track record and not ours!!!  
Lord Jesus, let the gifts of the Holy Spirit be released in our Church – that many may be healed, delivered and set free!!!         1 Cor. 12.1ff  
Let the fruit of the Spirit be evident in our lives so that we can retain the healing and wholeness that you manifest in us!!!  Gal. 5.22  
Lord, in the midst of pain with no ‘outward’ improvements, help us to be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in hope, knowing that YOU ARE AT WORK!!! 1 Cor. 15.58    
Father, we will not lose heart.  We pray, looking at what is not seen rather than what is seen.  Fix our gaze on the eternal, not temporal, as we walk by faith and not by sight!  2 Cor. 4.16-18  
Grant us wisdom to understand that sometimes the most perfect healing comes in heaven alone.  
Give us strength to accept what we cannot see, so that our vision is eternal and not temporal!  



Remember --- you are not the source of the Healing Power!  You are the vessel – the womb through which the power flows!  The source is the Holy spirit and His Gifts – see 1 Cor. 12.11, Heb. 2.4


Step One:  The Interview  --  What is the persons condition.

Ask:  What can the Lord do for you?

Listen on two levels:  the natural and the spiritual

Note:  a complete medical history is not necessary


Step Two:  The Diagnostic Decision – What is the Cause??

This answers the question “Why does this person have this condition” – try to find the root cause

-this is a crucial step because it determines the type of prayer needed to bring the healing

-ask God for insight while the person is answering


Step Three:  The Prayer Selection – How should you pray??

-what does God want to do at this particular time

-Dimensions of Healing

-Prayer towards God, intercession, A word of Command, a prophetic word of pronouncement, a prayer of rebuke in which demons are cast out and their power is broken, a prayer of agreement


Step Four:   The Prayer Engagement – When should I stop praying?

-prayer, laying on of hands and when necessary, further interviewing

-invoking the Holy Spirit.  “…Holy Spirit, Come…”

-manifestations may be the Spirit or a ‘power encounter’ with the demonic

Note:  we do not pray for manifestation --- we pray for God’s power to come and heal people

Step Five:  Post Prayer Directions – what should this person do now to remain healed

-give God all the praise and glory!!!

-avoid sin, do not follow the ways of the flesh

-get involved in a Bible Believing Word Church




THE HEALING PROCESS:  What to do ‘After’ Healing Prayer


First, let’s define some terms:

Healing – to become well or whole again, to restore to health

Process – a series of acts or changes; a moving forward

Recover – to get back the possession of; to return to normal health after illness; to regain composure, control and balance


Scripture indicates that those who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ have been givenpower (dunamis) and authority (exousia) over all the power of the enemy and can through faith, lay hands on the sick and see them recover.  The Laying on of Hands – when established in the Word of god and in concert with ‘faithful action’ will release this ‘Power’ of the Holy Spirit – Mark 16.18, James 5.15, Luke 10.19


The power or ‘virtue’ once released begins a series of acts or changes in the body whichserves to re-possess or regain control of the health of the individual – leading to healing and complete restoration.  This recovery or healing process occurs over a period of time whichtypically exceeds natural occurrences.


Second, learn this Prophetic Principle:

Death and Life are in the Power of the Tongue, and they that loce it will eat the fruit thereof(Prov. 18.21)

In other words, you will have what you continue to speak out of your mouth.  What you believe and speak affects your body and your immune system.  Your words become either a blessing or a curse to you. Words are containers.  They carry faith or fear – and theyproduce (like seeds sown into fertile soil) after their kind


So daily you want to:  read, confess and act on God’s Word

Don’t – confess the negative, dwell on bad reports, worry, fear, doubt, let sin reign, be unforgiving, give in to hopelessness, complain and/or  grumble

Know this:  The tongue of the wise brings healing (Prov. 12.18)

Soterios Ministries, Inc.




Mark 9.14 – 29





Trauma is a side effect of events that happen to us which are beyond our control.  A traumatic even can be anything from a road accident or falling down stairs to sexual abuse or the sudden receipt of bad news.

Traumatic events can have both short term and long term consequences
How we are affected by them can depend on a wide range of factors including:  the severity of the incident, the local circumstances, who was involved and our attitude toward them, our own temperament, our physical fitness and resilience, our emotional well-being, our upbringing, our age, our former experiences, and our spirituality and personal wholeness in Christ
Medically speaking – a trauma is the physical damage that is incurred by an organ of the body as a result of an injury – but…
How can we be so sure that when we have a physical injury, the consequences are limited to the physical realm? How can we be certain that other parts of our being are not also affected by the injury and – therefore – traumatized???


Mothers instinctively know the answer to this very basic – but important question!  

For example – a three year old falls and bangs his head à he burst into tears and runs to Mommy à she opens her arm wide – takes the child into her lap and “kisses it to make it better
There is absolutely nothing physically therapeutic in that kiss – but its effect is usually instant and dramatic!
The kiss – does not speed up the rate of physicalhealing – but the love and the security of mother’s embrace almost instantly removes the ‘trauma’from the inner being of the hurting child!!!
If the mother pushes the child away and refuses to show care and love à the crying persists à the inner trauma would be at the root of an unhealed memory


God created us with spirit –soul – and body!

1 Thes. 5.23  -- Paul expresses concern that his readers should be whole in all three areas.
Whatever happens to one part – affects the other parts
The spirit, soul and body (during life) are indissolubly joined!! It is only at death that the body is separated from the rest of our being
It is impossible for one part of our humanity to experience anything which the other parts are not also involved in or affected by --- therefore:  
The spirit and soul (inner man) can suffer when the body is traumatized
When the soul is traumatized à it affects the body



The inner-man (especially the emotions) can be damaged extensively through injury suffered by the outer person and vise versa!!!
Someone slaps or hits another person – eventually the “physical” pain will subside --- but the Trauma lingers – unhealed…
Someone speaks harsh, belittling, abusive condemning words designed to tear down to another person à the conversation ends à but the trauma remains


So often – when a person is suffering physically – people only pray for the healing of the body.  But when the condition has origins which are related to TRAUMATIC EVENTS – then it is important to pray for the broken heart and not just for the broken body!!  


The body cannot be fully healed

while it is still reflecting the inner pain of the

unhealed trauma!


Satan is no respecter of persons – it doesn’t matter if the person is a minister – a non-believer – an adult, a child, young or mature in years – etc. – the enemy of your soul will use every possible opportunity to gain access to that person’s life through TRAUMA!

The more traumatic the event à the more vulnerable the person is
The incidents that carry the worst traumas to the inner-man – are usually those which have been done deliberately by someone who should have been in a position of spiritual covering and protection (parents, close relatives, teachers, ministers, others whom a child/person would naturally trust)
Did you know that inner grief – which is the consequence of trauma – if left unresolved (locked away inside) à can be a primary cause of cancer!


When Jesus brought healing to the epileptic boy – He asked his father “How long has he been like this?” – Mark 9.21 NIV


The same applies to us today!!  That attitude, disposition, pattern of thinking, feeling, belief system === how long have you been like that??

What triggered it?
Where were you?  Who was involved?  
Have You forgiven them??
Do you want to be free?
Forgiveness is a key to the healing of your traumaà physical healing!!


Because of who Christ is in us and who we are in Him --- we can forgive -- dismiss debts; sending them away ---we can exhale…


Let me clarify what this means --- through the power of the Holy Spirit we can:


1.  Exhale --- Dismiss the debt without approval of what ‘they’ did -- forgiveness does not imply that we endorse evil deeds


2.  Exhale – let it go --- Dismiss the debt without excusing what was done (pray for mercy…)

3.  Exhale – let it go -- Dismiss the debt without justifying (to justify means to make right) what was done

4. Forgive…without pardoning what was done (a pardon is a legal transaction that releases an offender from the consequences of their actions)


Well --- what about reconciliation???

5.  Forgiveness and reconciliation are not always the same thing --- reconciliation requires the cooperation and participation of two people


6.  Exhale -- Dismiss the debt without denying what they did or being blind to what happened --- denying = repression  negative consequences


7.  Forgetting --- love doesn’t erase our memories.  It allows us the greater grace of remembering -- fully aware of what has occurred and yet still choosing to forgive!!!


8.  We can dismiss the debt without having to pretend that we are not hurt


Because of who Jesus Is and Because of what HE has done in us and for us -- we can:


Be aware of what someone has done and still forgive them
Choose to keep no record of wrong -- 1 Cor. 13.5
Refuse to punish
Not make a repeated public record of what they did
Be merciful and gracious -- this is shown by what you don’t say, even when what you could say would be true!!!
Live free of bitterness (bitterness is an inward excessive desire for vengeance that comes from deep resentment) 
Forgive God --- because all of our bitterness is ultimately traceable to a resentment of God -- because deep in our hearts we believe that He is the One who allowed bad things to happen…
Forgive ourselves
Give up the insistence on being understood
Be willing to have something happen the way it happened and have no need to retaliate


Forgiveness is a gift -- it’s God’s free gift, first of all to each of us.  And then a gift we give to others -- a gift that, in the giving -- brings to the giver unexpected and undeniable blessing…

I am forgiven…I must forgive…


Recalling Matt. 6.12  -- who are the ‘debtors’ that Jesusexpects us to forgive???


They are those who have sinned against us.  
They are the folk who did you wrong in one or moreways:  rejection, abuse (physical, sexual, emotional, psychological, verbal), abandonment, betrayal, neglect, cruelty, cursing, deceit, slander, theft, etc.

When we say that we have forgiven someone -- we are saying that we have purged our hearts of all bitterness!  Essentially -- we are saying -- “Your debt is cancelled.  You owe me nothing --- not even an apology!”


From God’s perspective -- forgiveness of sins is an act of grace:  it is granting someone -- undeserved favor! Our forgiveness of others is also -- in like manner --- an act of grace -- through which we display our identity with God(we imitate our Rabbi – we imitate our King) --walking in love and grace -- even as He is a God/King of love and grace!


You will know when you have truly forgiven someone -- when you are able to “love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you” --- Matt. 5.44


When you and I choose to forgive -- we show God that we are ready to receive forgiveness from Him and let Him heal the TRAUMA!!! -- Therefore, we can honestly pray “Father, forgive me my sins/debts -- just as I also forgive others who have sinned against me!


We have two choices in dealing with offenses --- we can either apply law or grace!  Law says -- an eye for an eye -- return evil for evil -- do to them just as they  do to you!  

But....Grace says --- return good for evil -- bless them when they curse you


In Christ we are no longer governed by law but by grace!  If we respond according to the law -- with vengeance ---we give place to the devil and are brought into bondage.

See Matt. 18.21-35


Let God heal you on the inside – then we are free to receive His healing on the outside!


Luke 4.18 testifies that the Holy Spirit was upon Jesus to heal the brokenhearted – to set at liberty those who have been bruised.

Bruised is taken from the Greek word thrauoto shatter or break in pieces
So, literally – this covenant promise says that the Holy Spirit has a ministry to set at liberty those who have been broken or cracked!!
The root word for trauo is found in the story of the Good Samaritan: “So He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine; and he set him on his own animal, and brought him to an inn, and took care of him” – Luke 10.34
Wounds – is derived from the Greek word for trauma


In other words – the Good Samaritan (Jesus) – will heal our trauma through the healing ministry of the Holy Spirit by pouring in oil and wine


Oil = the anointing – the yoke destroying power of God!


Wine = the Word of God, specifically – healing by forgiveness through the blood of Jesus



Healing Soul/Spirit Hurts ~ Trauma

(Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the hurt He wants to heal.  Listen/watch as He tells/shows it to you).
release and give this _____ (hurt, pain, fear, anger, frustration) to God. (Be honest about how you feel.)
release and forgive others (parents, siblings, peers)for inflicting this hurt and causing me pain.
I ask You to forgive me, Lord, for hurting others out of my hurt.  I repent of this behavior, and my attitude.
forgive myself for letting this hurt control me.
(Ask Jesus to come and heal the hurt.  Listen/watchas He does.  Receive His healing.  Allow the Holy Spirit ample time to minister His healing touch.)




Demonic Oppression


confess my sin of _____ and forgive all who may have influenced me to sin
repent for giving place to demons of _______.
forgive myself for the pain and limitations I have allowed the demons to inflict upon me.
In the Name of Jesus, I renounce and break all agreements with the demons (stronghold) of ______, including all associated demons of _____, ______, etc.  


I take authority over the demons (stronghold) of ________ and command you to leave me now based on the finished work of Christ on the Cross.


Now…invite Holy Spirit to come and FILL your heart with

the Power of His Presence…every room of your heart,

all the places where the enemy once hid and thrived and lived ---

after he is evicted, invite Holy Spirit to come and live there – fully!

Dr. Bernardine Wormley Daniels



The transforming power of healing prayer




Jesus Healed by Speaking the Word

Luke 17.11-19 (compare with Mt. 7.24)
Jesus healed with the power of His Word – see also Ps. 107.20


Jesus healed by Laying Hands on or by Touching the Sick

Mt. 20.29 – 34; Mk. 1.40-42; Lk. 4.40; 13.12,13
Jesus healed by touching others and He likewise, left believers with the same commission  -- Mk.16.18 “…lay hands on the sick and they shall recover”


Jesus Healed through he Virtue or Power that was accessible ‘in’ Him

See Mt. 14.34-36; Mk. 3.10; 5.25-34; 6.55,56; Lk. 6.19
These passages show how individuals reached out in faith and touched the garment Jesus was wearing  they were made perfectly whole
The combination of God’s healing power operating in Jesus, mixed with the faith of the individual in need, brought about the healing of their body.  That same power/ virtue still flows out from Christ today.  It is still received or appropriated by faith!


Jesus healed through the Faith of others

See Mt. 8.5-13; Mk. 5.21-23; 41, 42; Lk. 5.18-25
In these examples, people request healing for someone else
They come to Jesus in faith on behalf of another person who was too sick or unable to believe for themselves.
Today we can go to our Heavenly Father in Jesus Name and intercede on behalf of those who need a healing touch – the Ministry of Intercession


Jesus healed through the Gifts of Healings

John 5.1-9
During His earthly ministry, Jesus operated in all of the gifts of the Spirit
This is an instance when Jesus did not lay hands on the man and he was not releasing any faith of his own for his healing --- Jesus simply healed this man!
This is how the gifts of healings operate.  The manifestation of the gifts of healings are totally dependent upon the Holy Spirit and operate as the Holy Spirit wills, not by the will of man.


Jesus healed through Unorthodox Means

See Mk. 8.22-25; Jn. 9.1-7


Jesus Healed through Empowering His Disciples (Principle of Impartation)

See Mt. 10.1; Mk. 6-7-13; Lk. 9.1,2; 10.1,8,9
The Apostles –as “Sent Ones” continue to do the things that Jesus did:
Acts 3.1-16    Peter & John heal the beggar
Acts 5.12-16    Miracles flow in the Apostolic Dimension
Acts 8.17    People are filled with the Holy Spirit as the Apostles lay on hands
Extraordinary Miracles – Acts 19.11


Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever!!!  

Hebrews 13.8




Just as it did in Jesus’ ministry, we understand that healing may have different dimensions.  God sometimes heals based on the sovereignty of God – without the aid of prayer, sometimes as a result of general prayer, and sometimes as a result of specific prayer targeting particular needs.  It is important for us to remember that (as a servant and conduit through which the Lord’s healing power flows) we are not God!  We are not responsible for how healing manifests.  Our responsibility is to be obedient and pray:  GOD IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE HEALING!


See I Corinthians 3.6,7  “God made it grow.”


One dimension is SPIRITUAL HEALING (REPENTANCE) for personal sin

Acts 2.28, 3.19, 1 Jn. 1.9
This repentance can be both for salvation an/or sins we have committed as believers
Scripture tells us that all mankind is born into sin.  Unless we repent and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior we will spend eternity separated from God


Another dimension is PHYSICAL HEALING

Luke 4.38-40; Mk. 1.40-42
Can be instantaneous, or it may require continual prayer over a period of time, sometimes called “soaking prayer
If we are led to pray for physical healing, God answers our requests in a variety of ways:  full healing, an improvement, or no improvement we can ‘see’
Sometimes sickness is “sickness unto death” – which for the Christian is the “ultimate healing.”
Healing is God’s work, so we acknowledge that we stand before much that is mystery


A third dimension is INNER HEALING, dealing with the past

Luke 19.1-10
Inner healing, which is concerned with the healing of past hurts, involves vividly recalling and honestly facing those times of hurt and asking Jesus to bring healing to those wounds.
We believe that inner healing is valid for the Christian ministry today
Our understanding of Jesus mandate in Luke 4.18,19, is to free us from the evil which burdens us today, take the memories of our past and heal the wounds that have resulted from them and which still affect our lives in the present --- this appears to be what happened when Jesus accompanied Cleopas and his friend on the road to Emmaus.  He listened to their heartache and questions and helped them find understanding from Scripture and transformed their gloom into joy by His presence – Lk. 24.13-35


Another dimension is DELIVERANCE from demonic oppression

Mark 1.23-27, 32-34; 5.1-20
The demonic realm is real – and very active in today’s world!!
The church is still called to minister the liberating power of Jesus  -- setting people free from all kinds of bondage.  
Though we often avoid those who need deliverance due to our feelings of inadequacy or insecurity – believers need to recognize and accept the responsibility of the call to minister total healing and wholeness, part of which will include the ministry of deliverance.
Deliverance demands careful preparation (often with fasting) and should be done by a prayer team of two or more people, who understand thus type of spiritual warfare – Eph. 6.10-18




The Doctrine of Christ
See Hebrews 6.1,2
Laying on of hands is one of the six fundamental principles of the basic teachings of the Lord:
Repentance from dead works
Faith toward God
Doctrine of Baptisms
The doctrine of laying on of hands
Resurrection from the dead
Eternal judgment

Before the church can advance into the deeper things of God – we must first understand and be in agreement/have a revelation concerning the fundamentals!


The Doctrine of Laying on of Hands

The Bible has a great deal to say concerning laying on of hands.  Some folk regard it with astonishment, others regard it with fear.  In spite of this, God’s Word is still true:

See Ex. 29.10, 15, 19
The imperfections of the worshippers were transferred by faith to the sacrifice.  The sacrifice was a type of Christ
See Num. 27.18-20   promotion and exaltation
See Deut. 34.9   Transference of the spirit of Wisdom from Moses to Joshua
See Acts 13.2,3   Ordaining and consecrating ministers -- separating and releasing them for service (Acts 6.6)
See Acts 8.17,19.6   The infilling of the Holy Spirit(gifting and equipping)
See Luke 4.40-41  Healing and deliverance (Acts 10.38)
See Habbakkuk 3.4  This verse tells us that God’s power is hidden in His hands  (horns:  means rays of light)
Acts 5.12, 19.11; James 4.8; 1 Tim 2.8  Power is in the hands of the servant of the Lord as well --- power is released through anointed holy hands!


Jesus freely employed the Laying of the Hands in ministering to people:

Mk. 6.5, 7.32-35, 5.22,23, 8.22-25; Mt. 8.15
If you want the laying on of hands to work for you – believe in it!  
See Mk. 16.18
The Lord uses our hands as we yield ourselves in faith!


An Integrated Model for Healing ~ Spirit, Soul, body


Healing Principle #1:  The Lord wants to heal the sick – TODAY!

Ex. 15.26  He is Jehovah-Rophe.  It is His nature to heal.  We are called to reflect His nature – Mt. 10.1


Healing  Principle #2:  Corporate Team Ministry is important

We are to bear one another’s burdens – Gal. 6.2, James 5.16, 1 Pet. 2.9, 4.10


Healing  Principle #3:  Our level of trust in God is demonstrated by action!

We pray, declare and decree!  God is the one who heals –see James 2.17


Healing Principle #4:  The anointing and empowering of the Holy Spirit is made available to believers!

See Acts 1.8; 1 Cor. 12.9
God’s power – not human power is the source of healing


Healing Principle #5:  MINISTER IN LOVE!!!

See Romans 12.9, 10  Healthy, supportive, loving relationships are both a goal of healing and an effective environment for healing


Healing Principle #6:  God wants to heal the whole person – not just specific conditions

We pray for people, not just conditions – Jn. 7.23
The term for healing in the Greek encompasses the body, soul and the spirit – it is a comprehensive understanding of health




1.   A healing environment – Mk. 5.35-42    Worship and welcome the Holy Spirit

2.  T.E.A.M  (together each one achieves more) -- Mt. 18.19, Lev. 26.8, Deut. 32.30

3.  Training – Eph. 4.11-13

4.  Live a lifestyle of healing.  Be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit to pray




Healing practices are the skills, attitudes and activities that keep divine healing a growing and vital ministry of the Church.  They are what we do when praying for the sick


HEARING:  be open to the Holy Spirit – Jn. 14.26; 16.13-15
SEEING:  spiritual eyesight helps us to recognize and work with God in the process
When the Holy Spirit comes upon a person there are some emotional and physical phenomena that can occur:  weeping, cries, prolonged and exuberant expressions of praise, shaking, trembling, calmness, falling over, laughter, jumping, deep breathing, heat, air
Recall notes on laying on of hands




You must have the compassion and faith for healing. This need not be perfect or great.  The Lord will use what you have, causing it to grow as it is exercised
Receptivity.  You must be open to the moving of the Holy Spirit and His healing power


Note:  I did not mention spiritual maturity as a qualification.  The spiritual gifts are not given only to mature people!  They are given to willing ~ yielded people!



Remember --- you are not the source of the Healing Power! You are the vessel – the womb, the conduit through which the power flows!  

The source is the Holy Spirit and His Gifts –  see 1 Cor. 12.11, Heb. 2.4


Step One:  The Interview  -- What is the persons condition.

Ask:  What can the Lord do for you?
Listen on two levels:  the natural and the spiritual
Note:  a complete medical history is not necessary


Step Two:  The Diagnostic Decision – What is the Cause??

This answers the question “Why does this person have this condition” – try to find the root cause
This is a crucial step because it determines the type of prayer needed to bring the healing
Ask God for insight while the person is answering


Step Three:  The Prayer Selection – How should you pray??

What does God want to do at this particular time
Dimensions of Healing
Prayer towards God, intercession, A word of Command, a prophetic word of  pronouncement, a prayer of rebuke in which demons are cast out and their power is broken, a prayer of agreement


Step Four:  The Prayer Engagement – When should I stop praying?

Prayer, laying on of hands and when necessary, further interviewing
Invoking the Holy Spirit.  “…Holy Spirit, Come…”
Manifestations may be the Spirit or a ‘power encounter’ with the demonic


Note:  we do not pray for manifestation --- we pray for God’s power to come and  heal people


Step Five:  Post Prayer Directions – what should this person do now to remain healed

Give God all the praise and glory!!!
Avoid sin, do not follow the ways of the flesh
Get involved in a Bible Believing Word Church


THE HEALING PROCESS:  What to do ‘After’ Healing Prayer


First, let’s define some terms:


Healing – to become well or whole again, to restore to health
Process – a series of acts or changes; a moving forward
Recover – to get back the possession of; to return to normal health after illness; to regain composure, control and balance


Scripture indicates that those who are believers in the Lord Jesus Christ have made available for them  -- power(dunamis) and authority (exousia) over all the power of the enemy and can (as empowered believers) through faith, lay hands on the sick and see them recover.  


The Laying on of Hands – when established in the Word of God and in concert with ‘faithful action’ will releasethis ‘Power’ of the Holy Spirit – Mark 16.18, James 5.15, Luke 10.19


The power or ‘virtue’ once released begins a series of acts or changes in the body, which serves to re-possess or regain control of the health of the individual – leading to healing and complete restoration.  


This recovery or healing process occurs over a period of time which typically exceeds natural occurrences.


Second, learn this Prophetic Principle:


Death and Life are in the Power of the Tongue, and they that love it will eat the fruit thereof (Prov. 18.21)


In other words, you will have what you continue to speak out of your mouth.  
What you believe and speak affects your body and your immune system.  
Your words become either a blessing or a curse to you.
Words are containers.  They carry faith or fear – and they produce (like seeds sown into fertile soil) after their kind


So daily you want to:  read, confess and act on God’s Word

Don’t – confess the negative, dwell on bad reports, worry, fear, doubt, let sin reign, be unforgiving, give in to hopelessness, complain and/or grumble


Know this:  The tongue of the wise brings healing(Prov. 12.18)


In Addition...


Put God’s Word in your mouth and in your Heart!  Why…


God’s Word never returns void – Isa. 55.11
God hasn’t lied concerning His promises – Numbers 23.19
We will give an account for every ‘idle’ word that we speak – Mt. 12.36
The Word of God is pure – Prov. 30.5
The Word of God will stand forever – Is. 40.8
The Word of God is alive/quick and powerful, sharper than a two edged sword – Heb. 4.12
By the Word of God the heavens were made – 2 Peter 3.5
We are born again through the Word of God – 1 Peter 1.23
We are cleansed by the Word of God – Eph. 5.26
The Word is truth – Jn. 17.17
It’s the Word that makes me alive – Ps. 119.50


Establish this truth deep in your heart – deep in rich fertile soil, so that the enemy can’t steal the seed out of your heart before it can produce a harvest!!


Consider this:

DOUBT is the thief!  People stop the miracle action of the Word by admitting a doubt or confessing (sowing) a doubt into their consciousness!!
God does not go around picking “special people” to work with!  God works with HIS WORD!  Mark 16.20
The Word of God works at all times for anyone who will stand in faith on the Word!


Today, I want YOU to make a prophetic declaration:


God is who He says He is.  God can do what He says He can do.

I am who God says I am.  I can do all things through Christ.

God's Word is alive and active in me.

This is my Bible.  This is God speaking to me.

I am what it says I am.  I have what it says I have.

I can do all that it says that I can do.  

Today, I open my heart to receive the

incorruptible, indestructible, infallible, inerrant,

Word of the Living God.  

It will change me.  I will never be the same.  

Never, never, never -- In Jesus Name.   Amen!


You may still be wondering if your words really carry that much power…




Words – affect the Angel Network which ministers on our behalf:


1st – put voice to the Word of God and be diligent to act on His Word in your life.  This is level #1 ~ one


2nd – if you can’t do that, or if you aren’t strong enough yet in your faith, keep doing what the Word of God says and just don’t ay anything until you can put voice to His Word.  Use theVocabulary of Silence.  This is level two ~ #2


3rd – beware of the idle words in your life.  These are thenonworking words that won’t necessarily hurt you, but they won’t help you either.  They are the weights that keep you from running your race.  These are the nonproductive words of level three ~ #3


4th – The Words of Murmuring & Complaining.  This is what we speak when things aren’t going our way or when we don’t understand what God is doing in our lives.  These words provoke our angel and can cause us to perish in the wilderness and miss the blessings and purpose of God – Level 4


5th – Level Five = words that are contrary to the Word of God.  When you speak these words death has entry into your life.  Here, you immobilize your ministering angels and you loose the angels of darkness to operate and promote evil in your life.  If uncorrected these words will drag you all the way down to spiritual death


Remember:  give proper regard to the Words of your mouth – Prov. 18.21






How to Heal & Be Healed

Notes taken from the Healing School Series by Cindy & Mike Jacobs


To do this – to see people healed through the Gifts of Healing – we must pull out the root that allows that sickness to stay in the person’s life.  

We go to the root with authority and we PULL IT OUT!!!


Foundations for Healing

1st -- See Heb. 6.1-2    “Laying on of Hands”   can be used to heal the sick
2nd  -- The Word of God:  we must eat the Word A proper diet of the Word of God will produce life & health– Prov. 4.20-27
3rd – Sickness in the body is transgressing illegally!  Why?  Because our Messiah bore/carried away our sickness on the Cross  -- Isa. 53
Faith comes by hearing – Rom. 10. 17  so, we get the Word – feed on it and cast off sickness – commanding it to go!
Also – in medicine  39 Categories of diseases.  Jesus received 39 stripes – providing a venue for healing for every root of disease!!


Seven Obstacles to Healing


1.  Generational Sins = Iniquities

See Isa. 53.4-6
See Deut. 5.9 & Ex. 20.5   Sin produces spiritual deformity in our DNA/Family Line – e.g.  the Medical History forms we fill out at a Dr.’s Office
Sin is the cause  iniquity is the effect
Iniquity is not something we will be judged for in heaven(because you didn’t do it) – BUT, iniquity creates a weakness/propensity to sins & illnesses in your family line
You must ask forgiveness for “The Father’s Sins”  to shut the door/spiritual point of access in the blood line
There is – spiritual cause and effect!  See Deut. 28.35
Ex.  Woman from Taiwan with skin disease – no medical cause – ointments would not help  family practiced idolatry – repented for parents sin  healed!!
Note:  this prayer for repentance does not get folk out of hell, etc.  It just cuts off the point of access
When we sin a sin  it opens a point of access in our DNA
We will say, “…God, why aren’t you doing something?”
But He says, “I already have.  Now appropriate it!!!”
Take away/Shut the door to the enemies access
Because it’s God’s Law – if we open a spiritual door -> consequences come in
Example – ignorance of the law of gravity does not reduce its effects if you jump off a bldg.    


2. Curses of Infirmity

Anything that will not respond to medicine or laying on of hands  find the root cause  speak to root
Curses have a spirit attached to them  spirit begins to manifest
How?  Repent and ask forgiveness  break it in the Name of Jesus


3.  Transgressions/Sins

See Isa. 53.5
Jesus suffered for our sins/transgressions – soul, body, spirit
He bore it so we don’t have to bear it!
Resist the Devil and he will flee from YOU.  
Say – In the Name of Jesus – BE GONE!  Don’t receive the pains the enemy tries to put on you
The second sickness tries to come on you – don’t confess “I’m coming down with something” --- NO!  Say “I’m getting rid of something…!!!”
Learn discernment!!
Jesus Name is above every other Name – cancer, arthritis, depression
Every thought that tries to come into your mind is not a God thought!  In the same way – every sickness is not “natural” – sometimes the enemy is mounting an attack against you!  Resist him!!
See James 5.15-16  The prayer of faith “covers us”
Sometimes we have sinned sins and we are not aware but the prayer of faith covers us
BUT – if you are living in “known” sin --- healing will not come until you repent of sin!!!
Confess!  Repent!  Be healed!
Note:  Medical Science shows that there is a neo-natal connection/ influence on children
Sometimes – our illnesses are rooted in anger, abandonment, rejection, etc. that occurred while still in the womb!
Sickness or disease will try to settle in an area of our body that is connected with how we have been wounded  -- e.g breast cancer or ovarian cancer


4.  Demonic Influence

Matthew 17.15-18
Sickness can be caused by external demonic oppression or internal demonic oppression
Some folk do not believe in demonic oppression – BUT the Bible identifies demon spirits – e.g.  spirit’s of infirmity
If you don’t deliver someone while ministering healing– and a demon is at the root/ a spirit of infirmity they will only get sick again!
We need to grow in discernment  and teach on the gifts of the Holy Sirit– See Cindy Jacobs Book “The Supernatural Life” --- there is a chapter in the book on Discernment
Sometimes a spirit can try to come on you eternally (e.g curses are demon spirits that try to come on you externally) – but – be aware that if you agree with it  it will access internally
Cast out the spirit of infirmity  minister healing!
There is spiritual cause and effect.  Learn to hear the voice of God – specifically – see Jn. 10.27


5. Witchcraft

Eph. 5.16   The days are evil
Ezek 13.18 - 23   Divination
Prov. 26.2  & Num. 23.8   A curse without cause will not alight!
Live a clean and holy life  no curse will succeed in taking root in you!


6.  Physical Abuse of your Body

Mark 6.36
Do not break the law of Sabbath rest  physical body will break down if we violate the Sabbath


7.  Emotional Trauma

Prov. 17.22   Laughter will heal the soul  and body!  Depression will crush the body
Prov. 15.13  -- sorrow can block healing
Job 17.7   Sorrow  sickness




Good News!!!  

1. Jesus paid the price for our healing!!!

Isa. 53.4,5 & 1 Peter 2.24



Acts 19.12   God heals through Prayer cloths
Mark 16.18   God heals through the Laying on of Hands
Mark 16.18   You can stand in faith to Recover
James 5.14-16   God heals through an Anointing with Oil
1 Cor. 12.18   God gives Words of Knowledge
Acts 5.15   God uses Overshadowing (to envelope in a haze of brilliancy or preternatural/supernatural influence) to Heal
Isa. 10.27   God Heals spontaneously through the Anointing
1 Cor. 23.9  God gives Gifts of Healing and heals as we pray for the sick
Acts 5.12   Healing Happens through the Working of Miracles
Luke 18.1-6   Soaking Prayers Produce Healing


Healing is a Covenant Benefit and is a part of The Supernatural Life

Soterios Ministries, Inc.


The Saving, Healing, Delivering Power of

The Gospel of The Kingdom


The EKKLESIA (the legislative assembly of the KOG) isbeing established in this region – by your Father in Heaven – The King of Glory – Supreme Ruler of The Universe… to train and equip Believers, maturing the Saints, making Disciples of Jesus Christ (Messiah) for the proclaiming of The Gospel of The Kingdom – releasing signs, wonders and miracles, healing and deliverance – everywhere we go!  His Purpose and plan – His strategic aim -- is to see ‘Christians’ -- believers -- live a SUPERNATURAL lifestyle!!


So, what is The Gospel of The Kingdom?

The early Apostolic Church focused on three essential things that resulted in radical transformation, reformation and breakthrough:
Preaching (kerusso:  publishing, proclaiming) the Gospel of the Kingdom
Healing the sick
Casting out demons = ministering freedom to those who were oppressed
These things were the mandate and mission carried out by Disciples of Jesus Christ for centuries!


Let's examine it in Scripture...


Mt. 3.2  John The Baptist came preaching the KOH is at Hand
Mt. 4.17  Jesus comes preaching the KOH is at Hand
Mt. 4.23-25 Jesus preaches the Gospel of the KOG --> healing of every kind of disease
Mt. 6.10  We are taught to pray for the KOG to come!
When the KOG comes --> signs, wonders and miracles, healing and deliverance
Mt. 9.35  Jesus traveled -- teaching and preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom --> healed disease

But...this time He adds:

"The harvest is great -- workers are FEW: oligos: puny (in extent, degree, number, duration)
Mt. 10.7,8  Go declare --KOH is at hand --heal the sick, raise the dead, cure leprosy, cast out demons -- freely you have received, freely give
Mt. 11.12  From the time of John the Baptist (who preached the KOH) -- til now --> the KOH has been forcefully advancing


Advancing through signs, preaching and teaching, healing, deliverance and miracles!
Mt. 12.28  Deliverance = The Eviction of demons is a "sign" that the KOG is at hand!
Mark 1.14 Jesus preached the Gospel of the KOG
Mark 1.15  The KOG is at hand --> repent and believe
Luke 9.1,2  Jesus gives HIs disciples power and authority:

1.  Cast out Demons

2.  Heal the Sick = all diseases

3.  Sends them out to proclaim the Gospel of The Kingdom

So -- in Luke 9.6 --> they go do it!!!
Luke 10.9  Heal the sick --> proclaim KOG is at hand
Luke 11.20  Casting out demons by the power of God = KOG is @hand
Luke 12.31 Seek 1st -- above all else the KOG --> it releases everything else that you need when IT COMES!!


See also:  

1 Cor. 3.16, 6.19; 2 Cor. 6.16 = we are the NAOS = Holy of Holies/Throne of God is within us!
1 Cor. 4.20  KOG = Living by God's Power
In Acts 14.22 -- we see that the fullness of the KOG is entered through many hardships!




See Luke 4.18ff
The Gospel of the Kingdom --> healing, deliverance and freedom!






Grk. verb or action word
to be saved or rescued out from under Satan's power and restored into the wholeness of God's order = well being


Saved from sin and eternal punishment
Saved from sickness and disease
Saved ~ delivered from demonic oppression
All three at the same time
To raise from the dead


Therefore -- SOZO = to be saved "completely"



Acts 4.12Mt. 9.22

Romans 10.9Mk. 6.56

Eph. 2.8Mk. 10.52


DeliveranceAll Three

Luke 8.36Lk. 19.9-10

2 Tim. 4.18Jn. 20.21

Jude 1.5


See also:  Titus 2.11  "for the Grace of God that Brings Salvation (soterios = sozo) has appeared to all men!


When you minister healing or deliverance to a person --> you have rescued him/her from the power of satan in that are of their lives --> weakening  satan's kingdom --> strengthening the KOG


Healing Comes by the Anointing of the Spirit and The Word of God

Numbers 23.19   God does not lie
Ps. 103.1ff   He forgives, heals, redeems, renews...
Ps. 34.19   Many are the afflictions of the righteous BUT He delivers us out of them ALL!!!
Ps. 89.34   He does not break HIs covenant nor alter the Word that has gone out of His lips!
Romans 10.9ff   If we confess with our mouth...and believe in our hearts --> we are saved
Psalm 107.20   He sent His Word and healed...and delivered...




So…go and do it!!




Dr. Bernardine Wormley Daniels

Healing Scriptures

The following is a list of healing scriptures Dodie Osteen, of Lakewood Church in Houston, TX., stood on for deliverance from cancer. The scriptures are mentioned in her wonderful book about her healing –

Healed of Cancer, by Dodie Osteen. See also Sickness and Disease, Finis Dake


Note:  all scriptures are from The Amplified Bible unless otherwise noted

Exodus 15.26; 23.35
Deuteronomy 7.15; 28.1-2; 30.19-20
Joshua 21.45 God’s Word Translation
1 Kings 8.56
Psalm 89.34 GWT
Psalm 91.16; 103.3
Psalm 105.37 KJV
Psalm 107.20; 118.17
Proverbs 3.5-6 GWT
Proverbs 4.20-23
Isaiah 41.10, 1343.25, 2653.4-5
Jeremiah 1.1230.17
Hosea 4.6
Joel 3.10
Nahum 1.7, 9
Matthew 8.2, 317
Matthew 18.18,2021.21
Mark 11.23,2416.18
Luke 10.19
John 9.3110.10
Romans 4.19-218.11
2 Corinthians 1.2010.3-5
Galatians 3.13
Ephesians 6.10-17
Philippians 1.6; 2.134.6-8
2 Timothy 1.7
Hebrews 10.23, 2510.3511.1113.8
1 Peter 2.245.7-9
1 John 3.21-225.14-15
3 John 1.2
Revelation 12.11


More Scriptures from the New King James Version

Proverbs 4.20-22
Joshua 21.45
Philippians 2.13
Romans 8.11
2 Corinthians 1.20
Matthew 8.2-3
Exodus 15.2623.35
Deuteronomy 7.15
Malachi 3.10
Psalm 103.1-5107.20118.17
Deuteronomy 30.19
Psalm 91.16
Isaiah 53.5
Jeremiah 30.17
Matthew 18.18, 19
Mark 11.22-24
Isaiah 43.25-26
Mark 16.17-18
John 9.31; 10.10
Galatians 3.13-14
Hebrews 10.23, 25
Joel 3.10
Hebrews 13.8
3 John 1.2
James 5.14-15
1 Peter 2.24
1 John 5.14-15; 3.21-22
2 Timothy 1.7
2 Corinthians 10.4-5
Ephesians 6.10-17
Revelation 12.11
Nahum 1.9


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