Thursday, July 4, 2013



Fear not, for I am with you; I will bring your descendants from the east, and gather you from the west; I will say to the north, “Give them up!” and to the south, “Do not keep them back!” Bring My sons from afar, and My daughters from the ends of the earth—everyone who is called by My name, whom I have created for My Glory; I have formed him, yes, I have made him.
When We read these verses, we should lift our eyes toward God in worshipful awe. God actually refers to our offspring as His sons and His daughters. In other words, God is saying, “Because they belong to you, they belong to Me. Because you have named my name over their lives, I claim them as My own.”
God also asserts that our offspring have been created for His glory. The world system would like to seduce our seed to spend their lives giving glory to that which has little or no value. Declare over your child that his talents or her abilities will never be wasted in vain pursuits, but that his or her life will be invested only in that which gives praise, honor, and acclaim to the Creator. .
Lord, I pray that You will gather Joshua unto Yourself and deliver him/her from all the entrapments of this world. Because of the covenant we share, all that I have belongs to You. So I confess Your name over Joshua and I believe You will claim him/her as Your own. I trust You to prevent Joshua from devoting his life to that which would glorify human achievement alone. Instead, awaken such divinely inspired purpose in my child that glory ascends to You from his/her life. In the name of Jesus, amen (LET IT BE SO)!

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