Friday, July 19, 2013


In the fear of the Lord there is strong confidence, and His children will have a place of refuge.—Proverbs 14:26
The Good News Translation puts the above passage this way: “Reverence for the Lord gives confidence and security to a man and his family.” Many people lack confidence in life. Instead they are intimated by people, paralyzed by the past, perplexed by the present, afraid of the future, and constantly battling insecurities and feelings of inferiority. Not so for those who fear the Lord, for as the maxim states, “The man or woman who fears God has nothing left to fear.”
If we are submitted to the headship of Christ, in Him “we have boldness and access with confidence” (Eph 3:12). Most would agree that this means we have access into the presence of the Father, but it may also mean access into our future destiny and purpose. Awakening in our offspring this kind of tenacious faith and bold assurance is very much a part of the spiritual legacy we are called to impart.
Lord, I claim that an atmosphere of the fear of the Lord will permeate my home and hover over my family—a loving devotion that trembles at Your holiness and melts in Your presence. I declare that You are Lord of this home. I honor and reverence You to the highest degree. I pray this heart attitude of the fear of the Lord will always abide within my child, and that as a result Joshua will walk in strong confidence all the days of his/her life. I confess that he will never be intimidated by people, afraid of circumstances, or overwhelmed by challenges. Instead, may Josh always have a sense of unfailing security in You and in the grace You provide. In the name of Jesus, amen (LET IT BE SO)!

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