Friday, August 2, 2013


Though hand join in hand, the wicked shall not be unpunished; but the seed of the righteous shall be delivered. –Proverbs 11:21
It was the first Passover in the land of Goshen. In the early evening thousands of Israeli men dipped hyssop in lam’s blood and applied it to the upper doorpost and two side posts of their homes. The destroyer would visit Egypt that night, and every firstborn son would die. But God promised His people, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you” (Exod 12:13). The next day wails were heard all over the land. The Egyptian sons were slain, and great grief, like swelling waters from the Nile, flowed through the streets. But the Israelite sons were delivered.
The men of Israel had no idea their act of applying lamb’s blood was prophetic in nature. They were actually making the sign of the cross, prophesying of another Lamb yet to come who would deliver His people from death—not only physically but spiritually and eternally as well. In a w2ay similar to this grand biblical event in Exodus, we must mark our homes, claiming the blood of Jesus as a protective covering over our seed. As many young people succumb to the deadly influences of a society that is becoming increasingly evil, it is our responsibility as parents to make a prayerful, prophetic statement in our homes that heaven will honor.
Lord God, there are many deadly influences around my child. The world’s system, which is dominated by the evil one, will destroy the souls of children who are unprotected. But I claim the blood of Jesus over my home and my offspring. I believe ___ will be preserved from evil for “the eye of the Lord is on those….who HOPE in His mercy, to deliver their soul from death” (Ps. 33:18:19). In the name of Jesus, amen (LET IT BE SO)!

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