Wednesday, August 28, 2013


“And it shall come to pass in the last days,” says God, “that I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your young men shall see visions, your old men shall dream dreams.” – Acts 2:17
Visionaries are those who receive plans and strategies from God. By faith and by God’s power they implement those divine instructions to advance the purposes and kingdom of God in this world. Every generation needs “seers” – people of vision who know by divine inspiration exactly what to do in order to significantly impact individuals, communities, and even nations for the sake of the gospel. There is absolutely no reason we should think adults are the only ones God can use in this way. Acts 2:17 promises that our sons and daughters will have literal visions from God. At an early age Samuel received a vision from God that altered his life dramatically and caused him to emerge as a prophet to his generation (1 Sam. 3).
God still moves on children supernaturally. Sometimes they even receive literal visions from the Almighty. When our son was only about four years old, he surprised us all one morning by blurting out, “Last night I died in my sleep, and Jesus took me to heaven!” Then he began to explain certain details about what he heard and saw. The descriptions were so profoundly deep and the language so mature, we knew it could not be merely the product of a child’s imagination. Though our son certainly didn’t die, we believe he definitely experienced a night vision from the Lord, a grace-filled glimpse into the celestial world. I pray that God will grant your child supernatural visitations as well!
Lord God Almighty, I confess this promise of vision over my children. Thank you for pouring out Your Spirit on Joshua and Mikayla and supernaturally revealing Your plans for their lives. I pray You will also cause their hearts to burn with passionate commitment to the holy cause that You place within them. Holy Father, I believe You will open my children’s spiritual sight even to the point that they will receive actual visions from Heaven the way you gave Samuel a supernatural revelation when he was a child. I pray that Joshua or Mikayla will never accept a mundane and normal life but will reach out with visionary zeal to embrace the uncommon and God’-inspired goals that are a part of Your plan. On the basis of this promise in Acts 2:17 I claim both waking visions and night visions (inspired dreams) for my children, that they might be led into the depths of YOUR purposes and be champions for the truth in this world. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!

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