Friday, August 2, 2013


Foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child; the rod of correction will drive it far from him. – Proverbs 22:15

Most Bible promises are given with conditions. This verse in Proverbs is a Prime example. In order for foolishness to be driven from the hearts of our children, we must be willing to wield "The rod of correction"--But what is that Rod? Is it just physical punishment for shortcomings? That may certainly be part of it. As the adage goes "Spare the rod and spoil the child" (see Proverbs 23:14)
Sometimes though, a rod can represent words – especially words spoken with authority. A good example is Isaiah 11:4, a prophecy that the Messiah would "Strike the earth with the rod of his mouth." (Prov 14:3)
Jesus certainly was no easy going preacher; he exposed hypocrisy, sin, and rebellion, wherever he preached. Those who so love God welcome his words of correction, for they keep us from the contaminating influence of a foolish world. In the end our children will love us also, if we are careful to discipline them this way – Correcting wrong behavior and leaving them in the path of wisdom. David, in his famed 23 Psalm, told the Sheperd – God, "Your rod and your staff, they comfort me" (v4) Similarly, the"Rod of correction" wielded By loving parents should also be a "comfort" To any child – for their Words point the way to a life that pleases God.


Lord God, how foolish this world is with its ungodly agendas and it's refusal to surrender to the truth. Your word says that even the "Thought of foolishness is sin" ( Prov 24:9)
I repent of it all. I ask you to cleanse me and my child of all worldly influence. I recognize that "Foolishness is bound up in the heart" of my child Because of an inherited fallen nature. But your Word can remove it and drive it far from him/her. I pray that ___ Will not succumb to the foolishness Of the carnal nature that will in stated embrace the wisdom of God and receive a new nature. I make a commitment to lovingly discipline my child when it is needed so that the "rod of my mouth" will lead him/her in the way of truth and bring comfort to my child, now and forever more. In the name of Jesus, amen (Let it be so)!

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