Thursday, October 17, 2013



"Rescue me and deliver me from the hand of foreigners, whose mouth speaks line words, and his right hand is a right hand of falsehood – that our sons maybe as plants grown up in their youth; that our daughters may be as pillars, sculptured in palace style. – Psalm 144:11–12

This is a parent's prayer full plea to be delivered from the deceitful influence of the ungodly so he can be a good role model for his offspring. Children normally imitate their parents. If we succeed in bearing fruit for the kingdom, our children are more likely to do the same. Both sons and daughters become as "Plants grown up in their youth " - In other words, having been "planted "in the truth at an early age, they tend to mature spiritually at a more rapid pace.
Timothy was a pastor in the early church and, apparently, was quite young. We assume this because Paul had told him, "Let no one despise your youth "
(1 Tim 4:12). He must have grown in God quickly because " from childhood" he knew "the Holy Scriptures" (2 Tim. 3:15). Genuine faith was evidenced in him, for it first resided in his grandmother Lois, then his mother, Eunice. A wonderful legacy was passed to him. 
I have witnessed this many times in ministry – minded families. There is no greater modern – day example then Pastor Tommy Barnett, a friend I greatly admire who started preaching in his teens. He watched his own father minister to the poor and downtrodden for years. He admits "some things are taught, some things are caught. I really Caught my giving–ness from my dad."
Now Pastor Tommy has passed the torch to his children, who have grown into "mature plants ". Matthew Barnett pastors the Dream Center in Los Angeles, an incredible church that has become a model worldwide for 24/7 ministry, especially to the poor and the oppressed. May your child also catch your passion for God and become a mature plant at an early age.

Lord God, help me to walk in genuine faith, then reproduce the same in my children. I have "planted" my children in the house of the Lord " (Ps 92:13). Therefore, as Scripture promises, I expect them to flourish in the things of God. Awakened in my children the understanding that earthly things are temporary and heavenly things are eternal – and give them desires for those things that endure forever. I confess that Joshua and Mikayla will mature in God at an early age. Even as Hannah "planted "her son Samuel in God's house and he became a "mature plant"  early in life – receiving supernatural visitations as a young boy (1 Samuel 1–3) – so let it be for my children. In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!

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