Thursday, October 24, 2013



Children are an inheritance from the Lord.  They are a reward from Him. –Psalm 127:3

Those who leave an inheritance for their heirs transfer their legacy in several ways.  They leave a heritage of what they have, what they do, and greater legacy (for those who are Christ like) of who they are.  According to our key verse, children are part of the inheritance God gives His people.  God is their Creator—that’s who He is—and one of His most wonderful abilities is the capacity to create—that’s what He does.  So as part of our inheritance God has passed on to us procreative ability, which I believe is one of the greatest gifts we could have.

It is a profound thing that a man and woman can unite in marriage and impart their image and likeness to their offspring, Furthermore, when any child is conceived, he or she contains a soul that will live forever! God could have reserved this creative ability for Himself, but He rejoiced to share with us a powerful reflection of who He is and what He does.


Lord God, first I thank you for my children.  I receive Joshua and Mikayla as an inheritance from You.  I praise You that my image and values are being passed to my children.  I am a co-laborer with You, creatively working—both naturally and spiritually—to fill the earth with God-loving people.  I thankYou for the ability to transfer to my children an inheritance of what I have, but more importantly, an inheritance of who I am and what I do.  I am a servant of God, a child of God, and a member of the bride of Christ, married to You forever.  These glorious facets of my identity I bequeath to Joshua and Mikaylaby faith.  May they receive this inheritance with gratitude and faith and then become “an inheritance from the Lord” that is passed to the next generation.  In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!

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