Children are an inheritance from the Lord. They are a reward from Him. –Psalm 127:3
A reward is something given in return for good behavior or exceptional performance. According to Hebrews 11:6, those who come to God must first “believe that He is, and that He is arewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” This is the nature of God. He so enjoys compensating His offspring for their service that when the Lord returns, “His reward” will be “with Him” (Isaiah 62:11). Yet rewards are reserved not only for the future; God rewards us in this life as well.
In our key passage God declares the “fruit of the womb is his reward”. So one of the ways God blesses us is by sending children into our lives. Children are meant to bring joy, fulfillment, and the perpetuation of our name and values. Unfortunately, for some believers the opposite happens. For a season their children bring sorrow and heartbreak; they discard their parents’ values and even reject their faith. Should parents in this situation succumb to depression and just give up? NO WAY! Instead they need to reaffirm over and over—as we all should—that our children are truly a reward from God. Confessing this truth in faith has the power to turn any situation around.
Lord God, I claim this passage by faith; that my children are part of the inheritance You have given me. Joshua and Mikayla are gifts from You, a reward from You. I confess and believe that they will fulfill the role You intended and will perpetuate biblical values in the earth. I have planted many seeds of truth in Josh and Mikayla. I believe that they will bear much fruit for the kingdom of God and ultimately receive a great reward from God as well. . In the name of Jesus, amen (let it be so)!
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