Friday, October 19, 2012

I love you

No matter what happens and how crazy we get at times, I am thankful the Lord blessed me with you Joshua! You are an amazing son and you have a heart to serve the Lord. I pray we all get trained up as He needs us to be. May the Lord bless you and keep you always. Sometimes I wonder why the Lord would give you such a crazy mom like me who can't seem to "get it together" a lot of the time, but then I remember it's because HE has a plan!! We are part of that plan! Let's go out and be like Jesus today after our fussing yesterday! You said "mom, NEVER GIVE UP!! Just get back up!! " hmmm I guess I have taught you something after all. His LOVE never fails, never gives up, never runs out on us!! God is faithful when we become faithless. Oh Lord, our great Shephard, lead us to the cross. And halo us to love others as you do and to see with your eyes!!