Thursday, December 20, 2012

Glory overcomes darkness

Recently, on 12/14/12, a man that was mentally ill went into an elementary school (Sandy Hook Elementary in Newtown Connecticut) and shot 20 children (ages 6 and 7) and 6 adults.  It was a horrible tragedy.  In the midst of the pain that we were all feeling for the parents who lost their babies and for the families that lost loved ones, I felt the Lord tell me that Even in this darkness, God's light will shine brighter.  When the earth is covered in darkness, the Glory of the Lord rises upon YOU (Isaiah 60:1) and brings light to the world.  JESUS is the light that comes through us.  It's amazing to think that we could be part of His healing to the nations.  We have been through a lot of things and sometimes we want to give up, but God has great purposes for our lives.  We can't give up baby.  We must keep pressing in to JESUS and letting Him have His way in us.  We are to bring HOPE (Jesus) to all that we meet.  I am so thankful to have this time to be able to write to you.  I want first and foremost for you to always remember how much mom loves you and will always be a part of you.  When I am gone, though, Jesus is greater than anything I could ever give you.  He is with you always and carries you through the greatest darkness in life.  He is IN YOU and will overcome anything in this world that you are challenged with.  Just keep your eyes on Him and be rooted and grounded in HIS LOVE.  He brings PEACE that passes all understanding.  We will never understand why this great evil has came upon the children at Sandy Hook Elementary, but ONE THING we KNOW is that JESUS will use even this evil for the GOOD of those who LOVE GOD and are CALLED according to HIS PURPOSES (Romans 8:28) Hang in there and know that God loves us and has GOOD PLANS for us.  When we truly BELIEVE in Him and trust Him, we are willing to DIE FOR HIM.  He died for us so that HE COULD LIVE THROUGH US.  Let's let Him.  He makes everything Beautiful!! I love you and I am praying for yall to know Jesus so intimately that NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR YOU!  May the Lord grant you FAVOR and PEACE all of your days upon this earth and when the journey on earth is over, may the Lord wrap you in His arms of LOVE and carry you HOME!!  I am going to hug you guys a little tighter and love you with all that I have!!  Let Jesus fill you with HIS LOVE!